Word of the day

Hashtag going forward plagiarism West Seattle Blog Nook the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one Gannett get me rewrite project thunderdome.


Managing Committee


Managing Committee

Sr. No. Mamber Name Father’s / Husband Name Qualification Designation Occupation Address Contact No.
1. Mr. Birpal Singh Mr. Shyam Singh M.A. President Business VPO- Sihaul The & Distt-Palwal 9034944576
2. Mr. Bijender Gehlaut Mr. Sukkan Gehlaut Vice-President Agriculture VPO- Sihaul The & Distt-Palwal
3. Mr. Virender Kumar Mr. Mahender Singh M.A., M.Ed. & LLB Secretary Service VPO- Sihaul The & Distt-Palwal 9354780444
4. Ms. Deepika Chaudhary Mr. Ranjit Singh M.A. & B.Ed Joint Secretary Service VPO- Sihaul The & Distt-Palwal 7206350445
5. Ms. Vedvati Mr. Vijay Pal M.A. & B.Ed Treasure Service VPO- Sihaul The & Distt-Palwal 9355137485
6. Mr. Ram Pratap Mr. Nathi Ram Member Service VPO- Sihaul The & Distt-Palwal
7. Mr. Kanwar Singh Mr. Kishan Sahai Member Agriculture VPO- Sihaul The & Distt-Palwal